CTLGFVER %$VER: iconian3.catalog 1.2 (24.5.95) russian Restore Save As Export ASM Source Code... C Source Code... E Source Code... Buffer Size Width=64 Width=128 Width=196 Width=256 Height=50 Height=100 Height=150 Height=250 Highlight Complement Backfill Image Icon Type Drawer Project Trashcan Device AppIcon Icon Save Mode Strip Planes Current Depth Force Eight Auto Size Full Size Custom Size NewIcons Save As... Seperate Palettes? Mark as Standard Dot is Standard Iconify About Paste Erase Exchange Paste from Other Undo Buffers Goto Oldest Goto Newest Flush All Flush Current Set Memory Size... Images Picture... Picture and Palette... Normal Image... Selected Image... Both Images... Default Images WhatIs Images Save Picture... Move Image Auto Topleft Right Flip Image Quick Horizontal Quick Vertical Smart Horizontal Smart Vertical Scale Image Half Horizontal Half Vertical Half Both Double Horizontal Double Vertical Double Both Recolor 1.3 to 2.0 3 to 8 Planes Use 2 Planes Brushes Use Brush Brush 1 Brush 2 Brush 3 Brush 4 Brush 5 Load Brush... Save Brush... Enter Text... Select Font... Text Mode Complement Inverse Video Flip Brush Horizontal Vertical Scale Brush Half Horizontal Half Vertical Half Both Double Horizontal Double Vertical Double Both Brush Mode Matte Color Replace Complement Smooth Handle Position Center Top Left Top Right Bottom Left Bottom Right Custom Paint Drawing Mode Beveled Box Rectangle Filled Rectangle Filled Oval Filled Polygon Air Brush Define Area Cut Brush Paste Brush Stretch Brush Paste Text Bevel Box Type Single Button Ridge Dropbox Recessed Filled Air Brush Small Medium Large Focas? Drip? Dither Vertical Gradient Transparent? Palette Load Palette... Save Palette... Swap Pen1 and Pen2 Recolor Pen2 with Pen1 Spread Pen1 to Pen2 Windows Settings... Paths... Icon Information... Datatype Settings... Mover... Palette... ScreenMode Workbench Default Pubscreen Custom Screen... Window Font... Snapshot Windows Paths Screenmode Fonts Settings Datatype Settings Save Preferences as... Load Preferences... Contents Index... Search... has changed. _Proceed|_Save First|_Cancel _Proceed|_Cancel EIcon is larger than current buffer. Do you wish to enlarge buffers? Yes|No GThis icon has already been loaded. Do you wish to load as a duplicate? Yes|No &An icon already exsists for this file. _Overwrite|_Merge|_Cancel *What do you wish to do with the file "%s"? %_Open|_Image|_Datatype|_Skip|_Cancel 1Do you wish to recolor images to global colormap? _Recolor|_Ignore #Flushing undo buffers is permanent. _Flush|_Cancel Maximum undo buffer size? Enter size in Kilobytes. gIconian 2.91 Beta Copyright 1993-95 by Chad Randall All Rights Reserved. Registered By SiD/CRUX! 1 )Search for keyword. Wildcards are okay. Iconian 2.91 Magnification Iconian - Error Iconian - Message Select Icon(s) to Open Select Icon to Save Select Image to Load Select Image to Save Select Icon to Load Select Window Font Select Brush Font Select Preference File to Use Select Preference File to Save Select Icon Image(s) to Load Select Brush to Load Select Brush to Save Select Palette to Load Select Palette to Save Select Source to Save Paths Icons Images Pictures Gadgets AppIcon DT Prefs Center? Integer Scale? Remap? Use Aspects? Aspect X: Aspect Y: Scale? Stretch? Dither? Erase Background? Icon Information Icon Type: Hilight Method: Default Tool: Stack Size: Current X: Current Y: Window Leftedge: Window Topedge: Window Width: Window Height: Show All Icons? Free Icon Position? Tooltypes: Delete Complement Backfill Image Drawer Project Trashcan Device Kickstart AppIcon Justme Mover Palette Green: Blue: Spread Exchange FALSE Program Flags Auto Enlarge? Always Overwrite Icons? Filter Datatypes? Mini-SunMouse? Loading Datatype... Loading Datatype... Scaling... Generating Histogram... Picking Colors... Rendering... Cancel Datatype Loader Error Could not locate help file. *Could not open file (File does not exist?) Problems while writing Problems while reading Could not save to clipboard 1The maximum number of projects has been exceeded. Fatal Error Out of memory User BREAK Could not allocate signal Could not create messageport %s v%ld not available Window cannot be opened Screen cannot be opened Could not create menus The .keyfile has been tampered with. Please: a) Register to receive a valid .keyfile. b)EMail/Mail me asking for a replacement. c)Restore it from your archive or backup. Goodbye! EF_END *STOP*